Declan Ice Rose Sparkling Wine 75cl is a unique sparkling wine with a balanced and distinctively rich taste. Produced in Spain using traditional champagne methods, its a full-bodied, rich, luscious, and vibrant sparkler.
Declan Ice Rose is an easy-drinking sparkling rose wine, with vibrant pink colour. It has intense aromas and sensuous flavours, delightsome fruitiness, and a smooth finish. On the nose, it has an intense bouquet of red fruits (strawberry, raspberry, and redcurrant); floral nuances of rose, and a slight hint of pepper.
On the palate, Declan Ice Rose Sparkling Wine teases with juicy berry flavours of strawberry, raspberry, and redcurrant, completed by the fleshiness and firmness of peach and fresh subtle notes of mint.
Declan Ice Sparkling Rose wine combines sophisticated taste perfectly with a playful fruity taste. Soft and smooth all-round, Declan Ice Rose is best enjoyed when chilled. It’s a sparkling wine that pairs well with spicy foods.
If you love the perfect combination of fine bubbles and smooth taste, this is just the perfect rose wine for you. Family events, parties, picnics, and special occasions like New Years Eve, Fathers Day, Valentines… name it – Declan Ice Rose Sparkling wine is ideal for all celebrations, dining, parties, and events.
Looking for a great and not too expensive wine, Declan Ice Rose – 75cl is a great choice. Best enjoyed in the company of fun friends and happy families!
Best served chilled. Declan Ice Rose Sparkling Wine combines best with fried chicken, steak, cavair and macaroni.
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